
Steam skate

Steam Skate
Uploaded by crawley

This was a film made by Tim Crawley for his DVD magazine called insitu. The three skaters are Jack Rowles, Jay McKissock and myself. The driver of the steam car is Grant Gould and that car is his own which he built from scratch!
This was a really fun film to make. Enjoy.

Bye bye navbar

After a little searching I've found the solution for getting rid of the navbar. I found it here at this gentlemans blog. Perfect.

All new blogger

So I decided to move my blog over to the 'all new' google blogger that is now out of beta. It seems as if they've got some nice features now e.g. the introduction of tags, which I will think about getting into. The first thing that I didn't like though was that my little snippet of CSS to hide the top blogger navigation bar seems to have been disabled.
I was using this CSS;
#b-navbar { height:0px; visibility:hidden; display:none }
But this appears to no longer work. If anyone knows of a new fix then please let me know.


Updatable content

It's getting more and more difficult for me to keep the main Someplace nice site up-to-date with my recent work. Therefore I'm going to try to post more snippets of work up here. I am also going to try out some new design ideas here before I try them on the main site so be prepared for some layout and colour changes in the coming days.


Oomph widget 1.1

The Oomph widget now includes it's own icon (for the widget menu) and clicks through to the Oomph website. Download it here.


Oomph widget

I've been working recently on how to creating widgets for the Mac OSX dashboard. I've discovered that the main languages used are XHTML, CSS and JavaScript so I was able to pick up the basics quite quickly.
I've managed to create a widget for Oomph. At the moment it's just a logo but I'm hoping to add RSS functionality into it soon. You can download the widget here.